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Education: CLM Certification Program and Book Club


CLM Certification Program

The Association of Legal Administrators provides a variety of avenues to assist administrators with their professional growth, one of which is the opportunity for individuals to add to their credentials by becoming a Certified Legal Manager (CLM). The CLM Certification program allows a qualified legal administrator to demonstrate, through an examination process, a mastery of core areas of knowledge identified as essential to the effective performance of a principal administrator. Regardless of the stage of your current career, becoming certified adds a valuable dimension to your professional development.

If you are interested in pursuing the CLM Certification or would like more information on this topic, visit ALA’s website (view now) or contact Nancy Harris, – E-Mail, or Veronica Hurless, CLM - E-Mail

Book Club

The NJALA Educational Book Club is a quarterly opportunity for NJALA members and business partners to meet and discuss books related to law firm management, leadership and personal development.  Members meet virtually, and books are majority-vote chosen based on member and business partner recommendations.  For more information, contact Cassandra Jackson - E-Mail